“…his technical skills are superb.”

“In my opinion, Michael Rinaldi is one of the top professional Controlled Remote Viewers working today. His technical skills are superb, and he has a deep understanding of the CRV methodology originally developed at Stanford Research Institute and used in the U.S. military. On operational client projects, Michael has proven himself again and again, and it was no surprise that he won the inaugural “Psychic Spy” competition conducted by the International Remote Viewing Association.

Michael also possesses the communication skills, drive and integrity that make him a true professional and someone who is a pleasure to work with. I was delighted when Michael decided to share his skills and begin teaching, and I am confident that his students will benefit from both his theoretical knowledge and his years of practical experience.”

-Gail Clayton Husick

Founder, Husick Group LLC

“…one of the most innovative”

“Having worked on many projects with Michael over several years, he consistently impresses me with his professionalism and dedication to maintaining the highest standards in applying his skill as a Controlled Remote Viewer.

He has an in-depth understanding of the core fundamentals of Controlled Remote Viewing, and uses this as a basis to explore new ways to develop his skills and apply this to his operational projects. To say the least it makes him one of the most innovative, highly skilled and effective operational Controlled Remote Viewers I've ever met.”

-John Glass

Operational Remote Viewer

I got to see a lot of sessions done in remote viewing. Michael’s is amongst the best. He is a world-class remote viewer.
— Ellen Zechman, MD. Past Director, International Remote Viewing Association (IRVA) in her introduction of Michael as the winner of the IRVA Psychic Spy contest at the 2016 IRVA conference in New Orlearns.

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When I completed my CRV training with Lyn Buchanan, he looked at me and said he’d just given me the ‘keys to the kingdom.’ At that moment, something stirred within me as I suspected the significance was lost on others in the room.

Years later, I realized he said ‘keys’ because there are many rooms within the kingdom. Each has had a profound impact on my life—and I know I’ve only scratched the surface.

— Michael Rinaldi, Viewer711

“The door is now opened.”

As a result of my CRV training the ‘synchronicities’ that occur in life make more sense. I don’t doubt them. In fact, I now sometimes wonder if I’m actually causing them.

— After Level 1: Basic Course

“Now my mind is blown.”

I was told that this is the level where you really begin to remote view. They weren’t kidding. I feel like I’ve taken a drink from a fire hose after this course. The potentials that I see now are almost mind-boggling.

— After Level 2: Intermediate Course


“This is where pro’s develop.”

I didn’t know what could top Level 2, as things really expanded there. But now I know this is where professionals earn their mark. The ability to extract minute detail is taught at this level which makes the whole CRV process complete. For paying clients, details matter.

Details separate the pro’s from the cons.

— After Level 3: Advanced Course

“A whole different realm”

There was a mystique about Medical Applications and (Remote) Influence that intrigued me. But this course gave me the skills to actually make a difference in a client’s life. At least half of the paid professional work I do comes from this area of CRV.

Some consider it questionable. I consider it unquestionable and necessary if you are going to advance to elite levels of viewing, as you can not only access details of an individual’s condition and psyche, but influence them as well.

After this I knew for sure that what I suspected about the ‘signal line’ was indeed true.

— After Medical Applications and Influence.